Friday, June 21, 2024

Awakening of the Gonzo Birder

I wrote the “creation of the Gonzo Birder” first, but Gonzo is not created. It just is or it isn't. For me, it was always there. I was born Gonzo. It just remained more subdued, or more accurately, suppressed in some periods of my life. 

Well, I am no longer suppressing it. 

WTP May 2009 already Gonzo and awakening the Birder

The “Birder” part came later. I officially became a birder in May 2009 in Australia and at the age of 56. I peaked, physically, in my 50s and early 60s. I wrote about how I began birding in the first book, “An Australian Birding Year”. Although Australian bird centric, this book will be more broad. It will cover my Gonzo awakening and my new birding adventures since the second book “More Australian Birding Tales. It will be an enjoyable read (I promise). I will definitely make it an enjoyable write (thank you HST I hope you are watching this process from the other side). I do enjoy the process.

First visit to Kakadu, NP in the NT I was photographing Chestnut-quilled Rock Pigeons, in August of 2012

Why would I think anyone else would care to read a book about the birding-life of an (as I write this) 70-something Australian Permanent resident who’s not exactly famous or admirable? This guy is writing a book about himself (again)? Yeah, the first two books were personal and a lot about my journey. But quite a few people liked them and I like those people. Some even loved them and I love those people. Of course, there are those did not read them and I don’t know those people.

Hoopoes (top) and a Little Owl both in Spain May 2011, Yes I birded in Spain

Over the years, quite a few readers have let me know that my openly sharing my personal struggles with depression/anxiety, alcoholism, self-esteem, ADHD and Autism (I am certainly on the spectrum as are many, probably most, of my friends) has been of benefit to them. So this is the official (a word I often use), beginning of my third book. Its working title is, “The Awakening of the Gonzo Birder” or just “Gonzo Birder”, or “Gonzo Birder in Oz” or something. Working titles are working titles because they might change while you are working. 

Me now 70 and unapologetically Gonzo
40 Spotted Pardalote smiling on N. Bruny, Tassie 30 November 2012

Very cool. A Black Vulture and Crested Caracara allopreening in South Texas 2015

Wood Stork, possibly my favourite bird full-stop, 18 June 2013 South Carolina, USA

Painted Bunting, one of my favourite birds in the US, also in South Carolina

In the coming months and years, I will be plodding toward seeing 800 species of birds in Australia. As I write these words on 21 June 2024 (my parent's anniversary), I have seen 784 species. I reckon to make it to 800. I’ve set that as my 'end' goal and will not turn this into a ‘book’ unless I reach it. So spoiler alert, if you are reading this in a book, I have seen over 800 birds in Australia. If you are reading this in my blog, well, we will see.

So, these tales won’t be set in a year’s time, nor any other sort of time constraint. I will include accounts of Gonzo birding from the past, before my first two books, and for the first time, I may also write a little bit about birding in countries other than Australia. Today with this blog post, I begin this process in earnest. Yes, I have begun, but it will take a while.

"Do something weird today. There are fewer rules than you think."

Stay weird my friends ❤️

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