Monday, October 5, 2020

"An Australian Birding Year" is Officially Released


The story of the year of travel when my wife and I birded the entire continent of Australia in a camper, published by John Beaufoy Publishing is now finally available online and stores in Australia and the UK. It was a long time coming, but its time has come. It is out! 

It was not a “Big Year” effort, although we did keep a list, and had a total of 640 species seen as a couple. The list of birds and when and where we saw them is in the back of the book. It was originally called, “The Year” and was what I decided to call a ‘prerelease’ version from the print-on-demand company, Blurb. They print very good quality books. Lily Krumpe had done a beautiful job on the design layout, as well as drawing the maps, and working with me and encouraging the overall project. I am very grateful for her talents. 

I love to write, I truly do. However, the work following the initial “finishing” of a book is not as much fun. There’s editing and lots of little details (and finding that I had made a mistake, or five) and sorting photos and doing lots of left-brain stuff. The right-brain stuff, creating, I have covered. That is the “I love to write” part. The left-brain stuff I find very difficult. 

 An odd thing for me as a creator of a book is waiting. I made my living performing my songs and material on stage where I had instant reaction from the audiences. The process of creating and then having to wait a couple of years (years mind you) before hearing how people liked what I created is different. I really am kind of an instant gratification type of guy. But as I said, its time has come, and I gratefully I am hearing some very nice things. Thank y’all! 

Bunda Cliffs off the Nullarbor, South Australia 

By the way, my publisher is asking that I suggest to those who enjoy the book to post a short review on Amazon. Evidently those are important. The review section is at the bottom of the Amazon page and says, “Customer reviews” and “Review this product.” I thank you in advance if you do.

I write therefore I am. I share therefore it's real. I have hope, therefore I am alive.

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