Wednesday, October 9, 2019

As Time Goes By

So, I have done a bit of writing. I have been working so-to-speak. My book, The Year, will be released worldwide beginning later next year (August-ish I think). I will truly rejoice when I finally see it in a bookstore or on Amazon. That will be a dream come to fruition. 

Yesterday, I was required to write two sentences for the publisher’s advance information sheet. I wrote…

“Originally from the USA, R. Bruce Richardson is a semi-retired singer/songwriter and entertainer living in Lara, Victoria. He became an avid birder rather late in life and continues birding across Australia and writing about his experiences.”

Not particularly dazzling wording I know. I would have preferred to be a bit more clever and wordy, but they are happy with that. I have learned brevity is key for these sorts of things.

As life hurtles along, there have been a few dramas, but nothing to go into here and now. I am becoming more disillusioned regarding a lot of my expectations and yet I feel I am progressing in my own way. I reckon the key part of that statement is in “my own way.” I have never done the “me” thing well. As I have said ad nauseam, I am the furthest thing from a loner, but I can learn. I have to. Please feel free to join in anytime though!  I love sharing. I am just learning as I go. Yes, at sixty-six I am still feeling my way along through this life. I am determined not to let it suck. I will keep y’all posted.

Now for something completely different, my darling granddaughter painted my pinky fingernail black. I cannot say I dislike it. 

There are deeper meanings here
I may keep it black. As my dear friend, Glen Pacey said in his genuine and understated way, “The painted nail suits you.” I reckon it does. Just as I will remain a longhaired, tattooed hippie, I will never, ever, become your typical old-guy. Full stop. Never. I will freely admit that “older” age has arrived and I am learning to live with it. But you will never see me going to play cards (I despise card games), or playing lawn bowls, or other stereotypical senior activities. I would rather have my desiccated body found in the Gibson Desert with my bins still hanging around my neck bones. I will never be your granddaddy’s granddaddy. Fuck no. And thus endeth my oldie rant.

I will add in non-rant mode, that there are many seniors who I quite like and enjoy. I am not an ageist. Old is as old does. However I do more identify with, and enjoy the company of, people in their 40’s and 50’s (and some younger). I always have had friends of all ages. It ain’t the number, it’s the attitude.

A couple of days ago, I got out and had a look at a beautiful Australasian Bittern. It was the best look I have ever had of that bird. They are truly stunning birds and endangered as well. The photos could have been wondrous (I was very happy with these though) but a Melbourne Water ute drove by and the bird flushed. I caught a partial shot of it as it flew up (the opening shot of the blog entry). I kind of like the shot, but it really could have been great if the camera had been aimed just a tad higher. Regardless, I had beautiful views of a wonderful bird. 

Way over there now. It is surprising how long their necks are when they extend them.

I write therefore I am. I share therefore it’s real. I love y’all.

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