Saturday, October 3, 2015

Kingfisher Lodge ~ Part Three

For the most part, it was a day of four birds. I saw three life birds and one special bird that I had seen, but not like this. I had the privilege of seeing a Victoria’s Riflebird displaying. It was in the shade of the rainforest, so the photos are not particularly incredible, but the bird was. I am grateful.

Victoria's Riflebird 

Then next bird was a species that we had all hunted on several different occasions here. Yes, a lot of hours were spent searching amongst the grasses and undergrowth for this bird. But yesterday, we found it. I have now beheld the Blue-faced Parrotfinch. I am very grateful indeed.
A difficult little bird to see... this is an immature Blue-faced Parrotfinch 

Beginning to get his blue face on. What an awesome little bird.
When I was first becoming a birder in Oz and I poured over my field guide dreaming of the birds I might one day see ( side note: the Kookaburras just went off at 5:22am, early again). I thought, and still think that the Channel-billed Cuckoo is one of the coolest birds around. Living down in Victoria, it was not a bird I was going to bump into. Yesterday I saw my first one, well... three. We found them in a tree together down by the creek. I am very grateful.
Channel-billed Cuckoos, yet another of my favorite birds.

The third one was in the same area of the tree, but off to itself.
The last bird of my day was a magical little parrot, one that can be invisible in a tree, yet still eating and dropping bits of fig. On the parrot cute scale, it don’t get much better than the Double-eyed Fig-parrot. I had been searching that tree for about three-quarters of an hour with my bins before I realized that one of the figs was looking back at me. I was, and am very grateful.
Double-eyed Fig-parrot doubly cute!

Once again the sky is just beginning to lighten. It is 5:30am and I have been here writing and fiddling with photos for about an hour. I reckon I will make the blog. Cheers my friends, I am so glad that I have y'all along.
Where I sit every morning to write these blogs. It begins in the dark...
Birds. Peace. Love. Earth. Laughter. Music.


  1. My gods these birds are great! Thanks for the reports!

    1. Thanks man, glad to have you along! They are some ridiculously awesome birds indeed.

  2. Well done with that Fig Parrot!

    1. Sweet little bird... Lynn still hasn't seen one. It rained a lot today... we did see Superb Fruit-dove and a female Victoria's feeding an immature. See you soon!


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