Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Iron Range Plans

It is not a big year. It is a big adventure. Our routes around Australia will be based on birds (and weather… hot south, cold north). We are letting the birds lead us around Oz. They have wanted to lead me to the Iron Range for many years now. There are twenty some birds up there that are found nowhere else in Australia. I have longed to behold the Palm Cockatoo and Eclectus Parrot among many others. So, as is so often the case, I am grateful for the birds.

Yesterday, after several emails and waiting for about a week to hear back, we have confirmed our room at Greenhoose (that is how it is spelled) in Lockhart, FNQ. That’s Far North Queensland, pronounced Effin’-Q. This is the last thing I needed booked for our week in the Iron Range in early October. Yes, a birding dream for me is officially scheduled. We will be going to Australia’s little version of Papua New Guinea, flying in on 6 October and out on 13 October. I am so grateful and so very excited! See the Iron Range Bird List...
 And on a different note, Lynn ordered these plates and glasses for Matilda. They are hard plastic, but not too heavy to pack to carry back. I love these! I am grateful.

Birds. Peace. Love. Earth. Laughter. Music.


  1. This is a test of the comments box. It is only a test. If it were a real comment it would be interesting.

  2. Here is your first real comment :-) Love the first post and look forward to many more!

    1. Thank you! I am only getting started (have you been reading the Facebook posts as well?).

  3. Hey, I'm so glad you started blogging! Now you'll have a longer-lasting and easily-searchable record of your adventures. Tell Lynn those plates are cool!

  4. Glad you like it, Kim! And I am going to keep it up. It'll be just like the FB posts, but as you said... longer-lasting and easier to find stuff.


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